Sunday, February 21, 2010

When not to use DoubleBuffered

As according to Delphi’s help,

DoubleBuffered determines whether the control's image is rendered directly to the window or painted to an in-memory bitmap first.

When DoubleBuffered is false, the windowed control paints itself directly to the window. When DoubleBuffered is true, the windowed control paints itself to an in-memory bitmap that is then used to paint the window. Double buffering reduces the amount of flicker when the control repaints, but is more memory intensive.

However, not all VCL’s controls work nice with DoubleBuffered.  There are at least 2 controls that I am aware of that can’t work with DoubleBuffered and would mess up visually.

These two controls are TRichEdit and TToolBar.  Any controls that are family of these 2 controls will mostly show expected outcome if using with DoubleBuffered.

You would probably not able to type text visually with TRichEdit if DoubleBuffered is True.  For TToolBar, it would show black background.  However, you may always place TToolBar in TPanel control to get rid of the DoubleBuffered nightmare.


  1. Delphi on line help topic: Controls.TWinControl.DoubleBuffered. URL: